Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC) has organized the Conference on Quality Standards, Monitoring and Evaluation Schemes of Municipal Public Services.
The first session of the conference was dedicated to the presentation on the results of the project: “Municipal Services Quality Assessment Toolkit (MUSQAT)”, Municipal Service Quality Assessment Tool (MUSQAT) and the experience of piloting the tool in Kakheti municipalities.
The second session was devoted to other initiatives and experiences in improving municipal services in Georgia, including NALAG experience in setting service standards; Results and Perspectives of Municipal Data Survey developed with the support of USAID Good Governance Initiative (GGI) Program; Facilitate the establishment of inter-municipal pet agencies; Results of the public service satisfaction surveys conducted by UNDP and E-public services at local self-government. At the end of the session deputy minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia discussed the already implemented and planned activities of MRDI to improve municipal service quality.
The event was conducting in the framework of EU funded project: Municipal Service Quality Assessment Toolkit (MUSQAT).
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