In order to understand a person’s sense of style, attitude and taste towards things, one must visit and see their house.
Malkhaz Kotorashvili lives in the village of Gamarjveba, Gardabani Municipality. The gates of his house stand out from afar – somewhat reminiscent of medieval times and of significant elegance. As for the interior and exterior of the house – vintage and modernist styles are tastefully combined.
Mr. Malkhaz has participated in the small business competition announced within the “Community Development Initiative” (CDI6) project, initiated and funded by bp and its co-venturers in Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) and South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) Companies, in 2020 and received support from the project. He decided at the time to try his luck with in a new business of creating and selling wood and metal products, for which the “Woody” company was founded (https://www.instagram.com/woodytbilisi_/?utm_medium= copy_link). From ground up his vision was to use natural materials to make household items. He soon found a category of items that was of great interest and stated that the demand at this time far exceeded his supply possibilities. “There was a time when the income from cosmetic renovations of residential apartments was my main source of income, now I have completely invested in this business and made it my only source of income.” When asked what made him take this decision, Mr. Malkhaz says that this enterprise is his favorite and interesting, and he has more time for thinking and creativity as well as it is more profitable.
Mr. Malkhaz’s immediate plans are to continue actively working in the field of exterior design and to implement as many interesting and large-scale projects as possible, for which the Centre for Training and consultancy project team supports him and wishes him great success!
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