The project aims to mainstream the issues related with health, care and social rights into the political and civic agenda in Georgia.

With regard to this aim, the project will support implementing research studies, advocating and displaying their results in order to form evidence-based social policy. The priority fields of work are: long-term care (including homecare), mental health and drug addiction.

The project include the following main components:

  • The Twinning Research Grant Program. Consortiums of Civil Society Organizations and universities/research institutes are eligible for the grant competition. The budget for the individual project is up to 20 000 EUR. The open competitions will be held in 2019 and 2020.
  • Small Grant Program of Advocacy and Campaigning. Civil Society Organizations are eligible to submit proposals. The presented projects must be based on the evidences of the twinning researches and must aim at corresponding changes, spreading policies and advocacy. The budget for the individual project is up to 15 000 EUR. The open competitions will be held in 2020.
  • To support policy dialogue development of Georgian Platform on Care.
  • To prepare the next edition of the Care Services Assessment Report with partnership of Georgian Platfrom on Care (the first assessment was implemented in 2018).
  • There is a planned partnership with media outlets.