CDI – Small Business Development Project 3 is initiated and funded by BP and its partners in Georgian Pipeline Company. Within the frames of the project the great importance is attached to improvement of the entrepreneurial skills of the supported microbusinesses. With this purpose professional courses, monitoring and consulting and also meetings of the startup businesses and the project mentors are envisaged. The meetings are important from the standpoint of increasing motivation and elaboration of a clear vision of the beginners.
Ten mentors were selected among the previous phase beneficiaries who had successfully developed their businesses, gathered sufficient experience and most importantly possess such personal attributes as knowledge sharing, communication and motivation skills.
In September seven project mentors met with eleven startup businesses and provided advisory assistance to them. After the mentor meetings all the beneficiaries expressed their full satisfaction. They pointed out that the mentors showed them what can be achieved in the short period and what take concrete steps should be be taken for improvement of their own businesses.
We would like to introduce two project mentors.
Manuchar Abuladze has a greenhouse production in Svetmaghali village. He was visited for consultation by three project beneficiaries. The mentor shared his own experience on production of the profitable cultures and optimal use of the greenhouse area, addressed agro technologies, drugs and fertilizers. During the visit the beginner entrepreneurs had an opportunity to get answers to their questions.
“I learned a lot of such things which I did not know before. The mentor, Mr. Manuchar Abuladze talked very interestingly, I will definitely take into account his experience and recommendations,” says Khatuna Gvalia from Zeda Saqara village who produces tomatoes. “I will surely try out to cultivate potato as it seems to be a profitable culture. The meeting was very useful for me,” says Goderdzi Mchedlidze from Gaghma Boslevi.
Marine Tenieshvili produces roses in Tabanati village. She provided mentor support to the family of Valery and Natia Kheladze from Zeindari. With the help of the mentor they familiarized themselves with soil preparation, watering, applying chemicals and fertilizers and other questions. There was a period when Natia thought about leaving the village and going for earnings. After receipt of the funding by her husband Natia decided to stay at home village and to get actively involved into the family business.
The meetings of the project mentors and the beneficiaries will continue.
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