The publication sends one of our major message and attempts to answer the question: what does the principle of subsidiarity promise us? Based on its content, the publication is close to CTC’s mission and values, such as active civic society, efficient local self-government, personal liberty and democratic governance. Precisely, effective civic actors and independent self-government create the eco-system for the strong civic society which ensures a fair development of the society and an irreversible democracy process.
The subsidiarity approach creates the opportunity to secure the development of a highly accountable, autonomous society, to create more guaranties for civic sector viability, to encourage civic initiatives and citizens’ engagement, to create public services and provide with area development.
The first part of the presented publication introduces the reader the beginning of subsidiarity idea, its development history and diverse philosophical interpretations.
We hope that the publication will contribute to understand subsidiarity better and to the discussion process referring to society or state establishment. We also hope that the individuals will be interested in the publication who are actively engaged or wish to engage in policy forming process of our country’s development.
Special thanks to the authors of the publication, Zaza Piralishvili and Irakli Kakhidze to share this initiative and to prepare the articles.
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