
The initiative aims at improving the operational environment for civil society in Georgia, empowering CSOs, increasing their accountability towards constituencies and amplifying their linkages to other actors.

Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative strives to meet four objectives:


  • To increase fi financial sustainability of CSOs through diversified income like state funding, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), voluntarism, and beneficial taxation;


  • To enhance the capacity, accountability and credibility of CSOs for effectively advocating interests and political, economic, social and cultural rights of their constituencies; 


  • To strengthen regional civic participation through better cooperation of CSOs with local media, businesses and authorities; 


  • To support joint approaches of CSOs in policy dialogue towards sustainable development on local and national level, and towards promoting reforms in the context of the EU association process.


Until end of 2020 and with a total budget of 5.07 Million EUR (the EU contribution amounting 3.8 Million EUR) it is planned to carry out over 110 activities in support of CSOs and initiatives, to award up to 80 sub-grants worth of 715 thousand EUR and engage more than 2500 civil society representatives in all regions of Georgia.

The project is implemented by the Consortium led by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and composed of four Georgian non-governmental organisations: Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC), Civil Society Institute (CSI), Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG), Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC).
