Center for Training and Consultancy has successfully finished the project “Following Peaceful Culture” alongside with Civic Education Teachers’ Forum.

On the one hand, the project aimed to empower civic education teachers’ competences on the school and community level, to notice earlier signs of radicalization and violent extremism and to raise awareness on their prevention. On the other hand, it aimed to develop civic awareness and leadership skills in school students.

In the frame of the project the following activities were implemented in 20 schools of four regions (Tbilisi, Adjara, Kakheti and Kvemo Kartli):

  • Blended training program on civic education and peace building;
  • Training-course on noticing early signs of radicalization and their prevention;
  • Translation and publication of UNESCO book “A Teacher’s Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism”;
  • “Peace Camp” in winter;
  • Youth initiatives and their implementation;
  • Pre and post-research.

The project was financed in the frame of European Union STRIVE Global Program implemented by Hedayah.